Global Peace Convention highlights importance of peace     DATE: 2024-09-25 11:19:13

Hyun Jin Preston Moon,<strong></strong> third from left, the founder and chairman of Global Peace Foundation, poses with speakers and moderators during the main plenary session for the Global Peace Convention 2023, held at Manila Marriott Hotel in Manila, the Philippines, Dec. 13. Courtesy of Global Peace Foundation

Hyun Jin Preston Moon, third from left, the founder and chairman of Global Peace Foundation, poses with speakers and moderators during the main plenary session for the Global Peace Convention 2023, held at Manila Marriott Hotel in Manila, the Philippines, Dec. 13. Courtesy of Global Peace Foundation

By Lee Gyu-lee

MANILA, Philippines — The Global Peace Convention 2023, hosted by the U.S.-based non-profit organization Global Peace Foundation (GPF), wrapped up its six-week program, Dec. 14, with an in-person five-day event in Manila, the Philippines.

Under the theme of One Family under God: Vision for National Transformation and Civilization of Peace, this year’s convention, which kicked off with online sessions on Nov. 1, witnessed thousands of attendees, as well as over 6,000 participants who accessed the convention's content. The biannual event highlighted various issues in global peace-building from education and faith to human rights and security.

During the Main Plenary session, held at the Manila Marriott Hotel on Dec. 13, Hyun Jin Preston Moon, founder and chairman of GPF, called for building a new global identity with spiritual meaning to find solidarity in a society that is facing a crisis.

“Globalization promised to deliver a future of peace and prosperity, but it was focused purely on material values and needs. Understandably, it faced a serious backlash, because it failed to recognize the importance of the moral and spiritual dimension necessary for an ethical and cohesive global society,” Moon said during the keynote speech.

“Clearly, we need to forge a new global identity that can embrace and harmonize the positive elements of more localized identities. Such an identity must be rooted in the universal principles that all the great spiritual and ethical traditions share.”

Borrowing the phrase from the United States Pledge of Allegiance "One Nation Under God,” the chairman urged that people should acknowledge each other as members of one family under common principles to make an impact in society.

Hyun Jin Preston Moon gives a keynote speech during the Global Peace Youth Festival 2023, held at the Cuneta Astrodome in Manila, the Philippines, Dec. 10. Courtesy of Global Peace Foundation

Hyun Jin Preston Moon gives a keynote speech during the Global Peace Youth Festival 2023, held at the Cuneta Astrodome in Manila, the Philippines, Dec. 10. Courtesy of Global Peace Foundation

“'One Nation under God’ was meant to be a model on the national level of the world God desires — where people of all religions, nationalities, races, cultures and ethnicities could live together as one … The time is ripe for a movement that can unite these traditions on universal principles and values and establish a similar civilizational impact on a global scale; which builds on the American ideal of one nation under God and expands it to build one family under God on the world level,” he said.

“The pursuit and achievement of these aspirations can lead to the transformation of nations, guided by transcendent principles and the values grounded in them, and the emergence of a civilization of peace.”

In line with its vision toward global peace and unification on the Korean peninsula, the foundation has started a new initiative, the Global Peace Corps., marking its official launch with a ceremony during the plenary session.

“I am very happy to announce that today we are launching the Global Peace Corps to be an important force in transforming nations and addressing global challenges,” Moon said.

“The goal for the Global Peace Corps is to tap into the idealism of youth and give it the tools to become the moral and innovative leaders who can promote social transformation through service, development and peace-building projects.”

He explained that the program will invite youth from around the world to visit Korea to support the Korean Dream campaign, which calls for peace and reunification of the divided peninsula.

“Amazing breakthroughs are possible, with enormous positive impacts for peace and prosperity for the region and the entire world,” he added.

Nicholas Eberstadt, Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at the American Enterprise Institute, speaks during the International Forum on One Korea, held at Manila Marriott Hotel, Dec. 12. Courtesy of Global Peace Foundation

Nicholas Eberstadt, Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at the American Enterprise Institute, speaks during the International Forum on One Korea, held at Manila Marriott Hotel, Dec. 12. Courtesy of Global Peace Foundation

The culminating programs, which influenced the last five days of the convention from Dec. 10 to 14, commenced with the Global Peace Youth Festival, bringing over 5,000 local university and high school students together. Featuring speakers from various backgrounds, including a broadcaster and a department of education official, the event invited students to empower their vision and potential as future leaders and global peace-builders.

Programs included the International Forum on One Korea, focusing on the economic prospects of the two Koreas’ reunification, as well as the Youth Volunteerism and Service Learning Forum, and the Educators Congress to discuss the educational aspects of promoting global peace.

“The export gap between North and South Korea has been growing greater over time. The longer the two Koreas are separated, the greater that gap will grow,” Nicholas Eberstadt, Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at the American Enterprise Institute, said as he explained the economics of reunification during the International Forum on One Korea, on Dec. 12.

“The economic reconstruction of Northern Korea will be an immense project. But if the returns on investment in this project are high, the project can pay for itself in the long run.”

Global Peace Awards Gala marked the finale of this year’s convention, recognizing figures from government, civil society and religion for their effort in advancing visions and the mission of building peace around the world. This year’s awardees included Manilal Chandaria, the Chairman of Comcraft Group, and Marco Vinicio Cerezo Arevalo, the former President of Guatemala, who both received the Legacy Of Service And Peace Award.